I’m co-founder and CTO at Yupiik, member at the Apache Software Foundation™ and I’m involved in some Apache™ projects (PMC of Apache Karaf, Apache Shiro, Apache Unomi).
It’s in 2015 that I started to have an interest about OSGi technology and after many PoC, I was thinking:
It would be great if a platform can help users to deal with this technology such as a big swiss knife
And I see Apache Karaf™…Wow! Everything I had imagined already existed! I started to be more deeply interested by the project and became to be more involved because I was thinking that if I could help at least, I would be very happy to do it!
I would like to share with you my experience and what I continue to learn every days…
I would like to thanks Jean-Baptiste Onofré (ASF™ Member, PMC Chair of Apache Karaf™, and bunch of other Apache™ projects!), he is my mentor at ASF™ and most important, a very close friend.
Have fun!